
Campers come with a FULL SUPPLY of energy!

Lots of energy flows through our campsite each summer. If we were to conduct a camper energy audit at The Wilds of New England, we would find that our activity area is the epicenter of where they unleash their boundless energy and enthusiasm. During their free time, kids participate in a range of activities, including dodgeball, volleyball, 9 Square in the Air, basketball, and many other games. There’s always a game to watch or join in on!

Soccer is a fan-favorite among our campers, and its popularity continues to grow. However, enjoying a great game of pickup soccer can be challenging. Games involve makeshift goals and chasing after stray balls when they roll into the woods. It’s time for a change.

So what can we do to help campers and counselors fully enjoy activities? Build a new outdoor soccer arena and a human foosball court, of course! In the soccer arena, bounce-off walls, netting, and evergreen turf add a whole new level of excitement. Human foosball is another fun and unique activity that adds a spin on a classic game. These activities will be a magnet for campers, providing a space to join in a game or simply watch. We’re ready for thrilling matches that will keep everyone on their toes!

Would you consider making an investment in this new activity? The cost of constructing these new activities will be around $95,000. We already have a generous donor who is willing to fund half of this project - would you consider helping us fund the other half? Your generous donations enable us to create high-quality experiences while keeping camp costs reasonable. Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support, which help us further God’s work through this ministry.

All for Christ,

Joe Kopp