Golf Tournament

September 16, 2024

Tournament Details

Date: September 16, 2024
Cost: $175 per golfer

8:00 AM Registration Begins

2:00 PM Buffet Dinner
3:00 PM Awards Presentation


Getting Kids to Camp

Golfers use any excuse to get out on the course, but this excuse is one worth using! The purpose of our tournament is to raise funds for our Camper Scholarship Fund.

Every year, we hear of kids who cannot come to camp because of some financial struggle (pastor/missionary, inner city, broken home, etc.). We want God’s truth to be available to any junior or teen who can get here so we have our Camper Scholarship Fund to help meet these needs.

This is where the golfers do their part! To help raise money for this scholarship fund, we host an annual tournament full of food, fun, prizes, gifts, and, of course, golf. All proceeds of the tournament go directly into the Camper Scholarship Fund.

While we want golfers to have fun, we want them to take part in the eternal investment of these campers. We have seen many receive Christ and make spiritual strides because we were able to give them part of these funds.

Having the opportunity to help kids come to camp and know God is a great excuse to play golf! So if you are a golfer who is interested in impacting lives for Christ, you are certainly invited!

Not Just for Golfers

Of course, the more golfers that play in the tournament the better, but swinging at the little white ball is not the only way to support the cause.

We are also looking for businesses and individuals to sponsor us whether it be monetary, food, silent auction items, or prizes. This is both a great marketing tool for your company and an opportunity to support a good cause!