
Become a Volunteer

A key supportive structure at The Wilds of New England is the many volunteers who donate their time and skills to maintain and develop the campsite. Their efforts allow us to minister the Truth of God with the love God to thousands of campers each year.

Below are a few different ways to get involved volunteering at The Wilds of New England. We hope one of them is a fit for you.

Organized Church Group

These groups are a huge help to The Wilds for “get things done.” They play a key role in areas of development such as new projects, maintaining facilities, and adding activities. The groups typically stay for a few days to a week and bring a mix of skill levels, ranging from the helper to the professional. Some groups come at a set time every year, and others come occasionally for specific projects. If you are willing to consider volunteer work in this capacity, please click below and fill out the form.

‍Individual Volunteer

We need YOU! The Wilds has many friends of the ministry with diverse and valuable skillsets. When these individuals come and work alongside our maintenance team, they multiply what we are able to accomplish. Whether you're a licensed plumber or electrician in the State of New Hampshire, or skilled in roofing, carpentry, or painting, your expertise is invaluable. If you're willing to volunteer your skills, please reach out to us.

Summer Prep Volunteer Days

Summer is coming! Before our summer staff arrives, there are a lot of things that need to be cleaned from a long and snowy winter. Things like stick cleanup, raking, cleaning cabins, moving beds and mattresses, grounds work, setting up tents (and much more) occupy our time in those days. Many hands make light work! So if you would be interested in volunteering to help us get ready for summer, please click below and fill out the form.

We have 2 volunteer work days coming up:
     -SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2024 @ 9am-3pm* (cleaning up fallen sticks, setting up tents, bunks, and other summer preparations)
     -TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2024 @ 9am-3pm* (cleaning cabins & buildings and other general camp preparation work)